I remember the lamb was given water before the sacrifice! Then the headless body jumped around for a minute or so… Terrifying to watch!

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As Truman Capote once said, 'The good thing about writing fiction is that you can get back at people.'

Ditto for film.

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I’ve come back to reread this one 3 times. Awesome analysis. Can’t find this anywhere else.

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i loved that movie

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I came back to read this again! 🥹

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This is really good. The incite in the second paragraph is chilling.

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Hey Mark,

It has been some time since I've followed your work.

This was great, however it reminded me of how painful your insights can be.

I watched THE WRESTLER years ago and very much liked it but of course never recognized the esoteric Jewish messaging and symbolism so thoroughly woven into the fabric.

It's rather embarrassing actually.

So you have succeeded in "ruining" another piece of cinema for me and adding yet another reason for me to hate the TRIBE (although that well's eternal fullness is now expected by me).

Don't misinterpret this however.

I always prefer to know the truth, no matter how unpleasant.


Joe Boston.

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I subscribed today after reading an email about this story - a good choice. This is a well-written article, although I cringed at the opening paragraphs. Disgusting and barbaric practices that should be banned, but always elicit howls of protest on religious grounds. Reminiscent of the movie line, "I am uncomfortable with this Jewish ritual," my emotion is anger. Staying with the piece, it is impressively and accurately complete. I appreciate the thoroughness of this short article, even more impressive that a popular film serves as the milieu with an actor whose real-life travails are easily juxtaposed. Chthonic is an excellent word choice - in that the Jewish director undoubtedly sought to elicit audience emotions, eschewing any of his own. This is so because that ilk consistently displays a haughty mockery that is always disguised. Accordingly, I believe I shall thoroughly enjoy the subscription I purchased today. Thank you!

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I was also enraged reading the description of kosher slaughter.

It was not news to me but being reminded of it is always infuriating.

What a barbaric people they are.

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The eternal enemy, my friend. Always.

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